Posted by Chris on 10/17/69 11:48
Ok - point well taken- but the largest site I've worked on by myself - it's
only a team site, not the whole intranet. Nonetheless, many basic scripts
I've seen seem to only be able to handle less than 50 pages, and the Perl
scripts that can handle more seem to only have instructions for setting up
on Unix. Although the site may be deployed on Unix/Linux, my test server is
Win2003, so not sure if I should go the route of Perl...may end up with
conflicts on deployment.
I did just find one called "Perlfect Search" which states that it is
compatible with both. It's free and open source.
"Colin McKinnon"
<colin.thisisnotmysurname@ntlworld.deletemeunlessURaBot.com> wrote in
message news:Us2dg.4960$435.643@newsfe4-gui.ntli.net...
> Chris wrote:
>> I'm working on a large intranet site (650+ docs) and we would like to
>> have
>> a
>> search engine.
> Large? You need to get out more Chris.
> MnoGo (formerly udmsearch)
> C.
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