Reply to Re: href="javascript:func()" vs href="#" onclick="javascript:func()"

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Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 06/19/06 05:15

Neredbojias <> scripsit:

> Well, javascript:void is a core javascript construct,

Really? I thought core javascript was ECMAScript.

> Perhaps there is no _specific_ _html_
> spec citing "javascript:void" verbatim, but I hardly consider that a
> good reason to avoid it's usage.

By HTML specifications, the content of an href attribute is a URL (or a
URI), so a specification of the javascript: _URL_ would be needed. This
would not be part of HTML _or_ JavaScript but a separate specification;
normally URL specifications are published as RFCs. It would of course
specify it as a pseudo-URL, which is a URL syntactically only. Anyway, there
is no such specification.

> There is much documentation written
> regarding this usage which certainly seems acceptable and valid by
> all parties concerned.

Browser vendors' documents are not specifications.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")

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