Posted by Blinky the Shark on 11/25/23 11:49
Neredbojias wrote:
> To further the education of mankind, Blinky the Shark
><no.spam@box.invalid> vouchsafed:
>>>> > Agh... that's not so fast really... here in Australia we get the
>>>> > pages downloaded before we enter the url. Quantum broadband that
>>>> > does clever things with time and causation...
>>>> Sure, but the rendering is upside down.
>>> So? I have a portrait monitor that swivels and auto with software
>>> to right it up.
>> Must be hell turning those laptops around and typing upside down on
>> the far half while the monitor's closest to you.
> The people are upside-down, too, and there's anti-gravity, so it all works
> out.
It must be really weird when you drop something and it falls up so high
you can't reach it.
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