Posted by Edelman on 06/22/06 13:32
dorayme wrote:
> Which is like saying that the stealth bomber will crash if the
> computers go down and the pilots don't take over and do things
> right [1] ...
> OK, it's not quite like that... but I think JL's point was good.
> [1] It is not an aerodynamic plane and needs very high
> maintenence control systems to keep it from what it naturally
> wants to do, that is, crash horribly. Aristotle had this idea
> that there were final causes, that there were purposes and ends
> built into the world and its objects. He was no Darwin, trust me.
> The US stealth bomber wants to crash no less than a stone wants
> to be reunited with its natural place when dropped. Edelman, you
> were wanting to know about this sort of thing, no?
i...i got nothin.
Jason Edelman
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