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Re: Css positioning help

Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 06/22/06 14:22

Edelman wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
>> Which is like saying that the stealth bomber will crash if the
>> computers go down and the pilots don't take over and do things
>> right [1] ...
>> OK, it's not quite like that... but I think JL's point was good.
>> [1] It is not an aerodynamic plane and needs very high
>> maintenence control systems to keep it from what it naturally
>> wants to do, that is, crash horribly. Aristotle had this idea
>> that there were final causes, that there were purposes and ends
>> built into the world and its objects. He was no Darwin, trust me.
>> The US stealth bomber wants to crash no less than a stone wants
>> to be reunited with its natural place when dropped. Edelman, you
>> were wanting to know about this sort of thing, no?
> i...i got nothin.
> wtf?

dorayme is being a little obtuse but essentially your proposed can an
will work but requires careful control many aspects such as block widths
and subsequent clearing of floats (akin to precision required to keep
that plane in the air). But floating only one element and not the other
does not require such precision and is free to naturally fall in to
place. We are not saying your method will not work, but may be more
complicated than it needs to be.

Take care,




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