Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 06/22/06 16:19
"PeterMcC" <peter@mccourt.org.uk> skrev i meddelandet
> dorayme wrote in
> <doraymeRidThis-D1CD78.19474622062006@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>
> > In article <449a5959$0$974$ed2619ec@ptn-nntp-reader01.plus.net>,
> > "PeterMcC" <peter@mccourt.org.uk> wrote:
> >
> >>> Not many people can speak Latin outside Italy.
> >>
> >> I think that may be a hasty assumption.
> >>
> >> I occasionally have cause to refer to Latin inflections when working
> >> with groups of people in the UK. When I ask how many of them studied
> >> Latin at school, I'd guess that around 20% say that they did. And
> >> that doesn't include all those did but who won't admit it in case
> >> there's a question about Latin declensions on its way.
> >>
> >> My clients are certainly not representative - I wouldn't suggest for
> >> a minute that 20% of the UK population ha
> >
> > before you go on and on... he said speak Latin.
> I know - I assumed that Luigi (There is a Luigi, isn't there? It's not
> you up to mischief?) meant "had an understanding of" rather than actually
> spoke.
No, I meant "spoke".
Luigi Donatello Asero
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