Posted by PeterMcC on 06/22/06 16:48
Luigi Donatello Asero wrote in
> "PeterMcC" <peter@mccourt.org.uk> skrev i meddelandet
> news:449a6f8e$0$944$ed2619ec@ptn-nntp-reader01.plus.net...
>> dorayme wrote in
>> <doraymeRidThis-D1CD78.19474622062006@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>
>>> In article <449a5959$0$974$ed2619ec@ptn-nntp-reader01.plus.net>,
>>> "PeterMcC" <peter@mccourt.org.uk> wrote:
>>>>> Not many people can speak Latin outside Italy.
>>>> I think that may be a hasty assumption.
>>>> I occasionally have cause to refer to Latin inflections when
>>>> working with groups of people in the UK. When I ask how many of
>>>> them studied Latin at school, I'd guess that around 20% say that
>>>> they did. And that doesn't include all those did but who won't
>>>> admit it in case there's a question about Latin declensions on its
>>>> way.
>>>> My clients are certainly not representative - I wouldn't suggest
>>>> for a minute that 20% of the UK population ha
>>> before you go on and on... he said speak Latin.
>> I know - I assumed that Luigi (There is a Luigi, isn't there? It's
>> not just you up to mischief?) meant "had an understanding of" rather
>> than actually spoke.
> No, I meant "spoke".
Well, I'm glad that's cleared up.
I'd no idea that, outside of the Church, Latin was actually spoken very much
in Italy.
I'd guess that there are millions outside of Italy who can speak some Latin
but since there are so many people speaking Latin in Italy, I suppose that -
in relative terms - not many people speak Latin outside Italy.
Your point, I concede.
If you feel that any of the above is incorrect,
inappropriate or offensive in any way,
please ignore it and accept my apologies.
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