Posted by Neredbojias on 06/23/06 13:51
To further the education of mankind, "Chris Tomlinson" <anon@anon.com>
>>> As mentioned, we currently load the next big page in a hidden div
>>> :on:
>>> http://www.superhighstreet.com/George-Street-Richmond/splash
>>> and that is where the problem lies. Because it loads in the same
>>> page, it affects the mouse cursor and form entry user experience.
>> ...What I don't know is how you load (or preload) a page into a div.
>> Pages just aren't loaded into divs; it isn't possible, barring
>> something wierd and non-html. On the other hand, perhaps you are
>> loading the _content_ of the (next) page into a div?? The
>> what-looks-like FrontPage
> Sorry we should have recapped but in the original post we talked about
> the "loading of the big page in the hidden div/iframe". The hidden
> div contains an iframe which calls the 'big page'. It was a nice
> idea.
Ah, I should have guessed.
>>> To summarise, I think our question should have been, "What is a
>>> better way to preload the big page, as the current way does not work
>>> satisfactorily".
>> As I intimated before: put whatever you want preloaded in the body's
>> onload event.
> Great, would you kindly show us the correct format to use onload to
> preload an .htm page in its entirety.
> Much appreciated.
There are several ways. (I assume you are familiar with the javascript
onload event: onload=somefunction.) The best and correct way is to (pre)
load just the _contents_ of the page, usually meaning images. The text
of an even fairly-lengthy page loads fast and is normally considered
negligable. Another way is to have the function called by the onload
event insert the future page url into the source of your iframe. Another
way is to have the same function insert the future url into an object.
Another way is to open an invisible window with the future page as its
source. Another way is to use frames, but that is generally frowned
That's all I can think of right now.
Infinity has its limits.
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