Posted by Benjamin Esham on 07/27/06 03:59
timslavin wrote:
> First, I want to grab data between two markers that I define (e.g.
> <start> ... data here ... </start> and strip of the text before the first
> marker (<start> in this example) and after the second marker (</start>) in
> this example. That would leave me with the "... data here ..." chunk with
> my markers either included (worst case) or removed (best case, saving me
> the third step below).
$pieces = preg_split('/\<(\/)?start\>/', $input);
$chunk = $pieces[1];
Assuming that $input is your input data, $chunk will contain your "data
here" segment. What this does is to split the data into an array; the
regular expression passed to preg_split() matches both the <start> tag and
the </start> tag, so the array has three elements. The 0th element contains
everything before <start>, the 1st contains everything between the tags, and
the 2nd contains everything afterwards. (Note that this is untested; my
regular expression might be wrong. Looking at [1] should help you with the
regex syntax expected by preg_split().)
[1] http://perldoc.perl.org/perlre.html
> Is this one PHP function or two functions? I see that strstr will get me
> everything to the right of <start> but I cannot figure out how to remove
> everything to the right of </start> so that I only have the data chunk I
> want (what's between these two markers).
You could probably call strstr() twice and then substr(), but IMO using
preg_split() is way easier.
> Second, I want to substitute values for values found in the data chunk. I
> know str_replace does that just fine.
Yep. If you need even more advanced replacing functionality look at
ereg_replace() and preg_replace().
> Third, I then want to strip out the markers from my data chunk.
This will be done as a side effect of preg_split().
Benjamin D. Esham
bdesham@gmail.com | AIM: bdesham128 | Jabber: same as e-mail
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