Posted by vito on 07/27/06 04:25
I'm processing the following sequence with length more than 100k
1 cagatgctga taaaaaagtg tgttcctcat agcatttatt taattgaaat atttcaagaa
61 cttgaatgta ctaaaaattg agacaaacag tagcaaatca taaaaaaaaa ttgaagtgaa
121 ttttacaact ggattcatgt gcctaatatt ttcattggga agtggattca tgtttaacat
181 ttccattggg <snippet>
i wrote a program
if (isset ($_POST['seq']) )
$seq = $_POST['seq'];
$seq= $_GET['seq'];
$seq = preg_replace("/[\s\r\n0-9]/", "", $seq);
echo $seq;
but it generates an output of fragmented sequences (i.e. partially processed
result), what is the problem?
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