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Re: help with php.ini include_path?

Posted by bobmct on 07/28/06 17:54

Colin McKinnon wrote:

> bobmct wrote:
>> I'm attempting to integrate some PayPalPro supplied modules which come
>> with
>> their own directory structure. I've installed this "directory" into my
>> common "working" includes directory.
> <snip>
>> /cgi-bin/includes/PayPal/
>> /cgi-bin/includes/PayPal/Stuff/
>> /cgi-bin/includes/PayPal/Stuff/more_stuff/
>> /cgi-bin/includes/PayPal/Stuff/more_stuff/etc/
>> and so on.
> The first thing to note is that, if possible you shouldn't put include
> files within the document root. But lets assume you don't have a choice.
> So your include path has
> /cgi-bin/includes
> So if we assume there are some files as follows:
> /cgi-bin/includes/PayPal/
> /cgi-bin/includes/PayPal/Stuff/
> then you can certainly write your script as:
> <?php
> include("PayPal/");
> However as you may have noticed, this won't work too well if
> contains:
> include("stuff/");
> (side note if contains 'include("");' then walk away
> carefully deleting all files as you go).
> Simplest solution is to move all the files up a dir:
> cd Paypal
> mv * ..
> One other solution is to add /cgi-bin/includes/PayPal to your include
> path.
> Another way is to rewrite the files to use relative addressing, e.g. in
> $mydir=dirname(__FILE__);
> $include_file=$mydir . "/stuff/";
> include($include_file);
> C.


Thanks for the short explanation. The PayPal directory structure is exactly
WHAT is supplied in the PayPal SDK and a look through their modules seems
to indicate that the structure must be maintained although their top level
"paypal" can be relative.

I was HOPING that php includes would be recursive but it appears not. What
I actually had to do was build my php.ini's include_path to include each
and every directory in the PayPal structure, each with a fully qualified
patch (what a real pain). Creates for a very long path.

There's GOT to be a better and/or another way.





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