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Re: Font-family

Posted by Els on 07/31/06 06:55

TC wrote:

> dorayme wrote:
>> OK... it was asked what the h7s would be. This is similar to
>> asking what the h6s would be even if there were no h6s being used
>> in a website pertaining to the css sheet concerned. Neither the
>> h6 nor the h7 might exist in the source of the website. So their
>> non-existence is not exactly relevant.
> Ok, I see where you're coming from. But you've misunderstood why I
> asked her the question.

Don't think she did..

> When I posted the question, I expected Adrienne to ask herself: "Why
> has TC asked me that?". Then she would hopefully see, for herself, the
> problem with her heading font size settings. My question was an
> elliptical way of saying to her: "it doesn't make sense to increase the
> heading font size as you've done".

That's exactly why dorayme said the non-existence of the h7 is not
exactly relevant. (IIUC of course..)




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