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Re: Extended Markup?

Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 07/31/06 06:57

Mark Parnell <> scripsit:

>> I know only very little about HTML, so I used FrontPage2003 to write
>> a website.
> *shudder* FrontPage is the worst of the so-called WYSIWYG editors.
> Throw it away *now*.

Actually, FrontPage is much better than the common bashing suggests. If you
cannot create good web pages using it, the problem is that you don't know
how to use it or you don't know web design, HTML, and CSS well enough.

The truth behind the bashing is that it is surprisingly easy to produce very
poor web pages using FrontPage.

> It will be easier to start again than to try and clean up the mess it
> calls HTML.

What FrontPage 2003 creates is rather good HTML, if you use the
_structurally oriented_ features of FrontPage, such as "paragraph style"
menu. If you use the font-oriented features, like direct choice of font or a
button for bolding, you get crap, just as you get crap by typing <FONT
FACE="Verdana" SIZE="1"> by hand all around.

> Ideally, learn HTML and CSS and hand-code your site.

Learning HTML and CSS, in that order, is a good idea. Hand-coding is just
one option.

> If you *really* want to use a WYSIWYG editor, try Nvu -

If you produce poor pages using FrontPage, you'll probably do just the same
more clumsily when using Nvu.

>> line 21: attribute `TITLE' for <img> is extended markup (use "-x
>> <extension>" to allow this).
> Eh?
>> What does that mean?
> It means this "Weblint" program is a piece of crap. Ditch it now.

Well, more or less. But a more positive explanation is that Weblint warns
about the fact that the title attribute for <img> did not belong to HTML
3.2, so it's "extended" with respect to it. This warning on the other hand
is probably worse than pointless. However, there might be a point,
unintentionally. Reading the warning, you might realize that you should not
_rely_ on the attribute, i.e. not use it to present any essential
information. This holds true even though most of the browsers support the
attribute, in some technical meaning for "support".

>> How can I clean up my pages to get rid
>> of such errors?
> Use the validator(s), Luke.

Actually, it's not an error, and there's as such no reason to get rid of it.
Validators won't say anything about the attribute, of course (unless you use
an old DOCTYPE like HTML 3.2).

Using a validator before having learned the basics of HTML and a little more
will probably result in a confusion only.

Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")



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