Posted by Armando Padilla on 08/11/06 03:16
Rik wrote:
> Cleverbum@hotmail.com wrote:
>>Before I go on a mad quest to try to code some pages, I think it's
>>probably prutent to ask something. If I were to pass a php page either
>>an ftp or http address of an image file (assuming it had a username
>>and password coded in), would I be able to make it go and get that
>>file and save it in a folder local to that page?
> As far as I understand your question, perfectly.
> Look into fopen(). (Check wether allow_url_fopen is enabled in your
> settings), or look at the PHP FTP functions:
> http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.ftp.php
> Grtz,
Try using file_get_contents works alot better when it comes to opening
URLS since the stream might be caught off when using fopen.
Concerning if you can download the image straight from a URL
#1. What you can do is hit the page
#2. Remove all references (image paths) from the page
#3. Open up the images individually using imagefromjpg($path) <-- ?
#4 Save the stream that the imagefromjpg returns as a jpg file. :-)
Armando Padilla
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