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Re: do professional PHP programmers use error checking in their code?

Posted by Benjamin Esham on 09/03/06 02:52

lawrence k wrote:

> [should I write my own error checking?]

I believe other posters have given pretty firm answers to that... let me
just make a suggestion in the name of readability.

Instead of writing

if ( ! $thereIsAnError ) {
if ( ! $thereIsAnotherError ) {
} else {
// handle the second problem
} else {
// handle the first problem


if ($thereIsAnError)

As you can see, this puts the error checking first in the file, and it also
prevents the unholy levels of if/else nesting that can occur if you use
if/else blocks for all of your error checking. Assuming that handle_error()
will exit, you can just add a quick, two-line test to check for and handle
an error; there's no need to wrap the entire rest of the code in an else { }

Benjamin D. Esham | AIM: bdesham128 | Jabber: same as e-mail
'I wish I had never come here, and I don't want to see no more
magic,' he said and fell silent.
— Sam in /The Fellowship of the Ring/



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