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Re: Pulling variables from str_replace

Posted by Blayde on 09/21/06 16:47

Brad Everman wrote:
> Something simple, perhaps someone can shed some light.
> I have an array of paragraphs of text and am replacing some of the text
> using str_replace().
> Ex.
> function addGraphic($numGraphic){
> return("this is graphic $numGraphic");
> }
> $instruction = str_replace("#GRAPHIC[$i]",addGraphic($i),$instruction);
> Basically, I look for the tag #GRAPHIC[n] in the text where n is an
> integer value and want to replace it with the text and the actual number
> inside the brackets. I am unsure how to parse this value out and then pass
> it to the function that will create the appropriate output.
> Thanks for any help.

Hey Brad,
You need preg_replace_callback(). str_replace() won't work with more
than one string unless you make a huge array for the search and replace



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