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Confused About PHP!?

Posted by Cerebral Believer on 09/21/06 18:00

Hi folks,

I am creating a site in FrontPage, and want to use PHP to validate a form I
have created, however I would like the return of the users input (which the
user reviews to check for errors), to be in the same design or style which
the rest of my site has been created in. I have found a script wich does the
basics of what I want, but it needs a lot of modifying, and I have a few
questions. Here is the script:

/* Program name: checkRegInfo.php
* Description: Program checks all the form fields for
* blank fields and incorrect format.
<head><title>Registration Validation</title></head>
/* set up array of field labels */
$label_array = array ( "first_name" => "First Name",
"middle_name" => "Middle Name",
"last_name" => "Last Name",
"phone" => "Phone");
foreach ($_POST as $field => $value)
/* check each field except middle name for blank fields */
if ( $value == "" )
if ($field != "middle_name")
$blank_array[$field] = "blank";
elseif ($field == "first_name" or $field == "middle_name"
or $field == "last_name" )
if (!ereg("^[A-Za-z' -]{1,50}$",$_POST[$field]) )
$bad_format[$field] = "bad";
elseif ($field == "phone")
if(!ereg("^[0-9)( -]{7,20}(([xX]|(ext)|(ex))?[ -]?[0-9]{1,7})?$",$value))
$bad_format[$field] = "bad";
/* if any fields were not okay, display error message and form */
if (@sizeof($blank_array) > 0 or @sizeof($bad_format) > 0)
if (@sizeof($blank_array) > 0)
/* display message for missing information */
echo "<b>You didn't fill in one or more required fields. You must
/* display list of missing information */
foreach($blank_array as $field => $value)
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$label_array[$field]}<br>";
if (@sizeof($bad_format) > 0)
/* display message for bad information */
echo "<b>One or more fields have information that appears to be
incorrect. Correct the format for:</b><br>";
/* display list of bad information */
foreach($bad_format as $field => $value)
echo "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;{$label_array[$field]}<br>";
/* redisplay form */
$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];
$middle_name = $_POST['middle_name'];
$last_name = $_POST['last_name'];
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
echo "<p><hr>
<form action='checkRegInfo.php' method='POST'>
<table width='95%' border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'>
<tr><td align='right'><B>{$label_array['first_name']}:</br></td>
<td><input type='text' name='first_name' size='65' maxlength='65'
value='$first_name' > </td>
<tr><td align='right'><B>{$label_array['middle_name']}:</br></td>
<td><input type='text' name='middle_name' size='65' maxlength='65'
value='$middle_name' > </td>
<tr><td align='right'><B>{$label_array['last_name']}:</B></td>
<td> <input type='text' name='last_name' size='65' maxlength='65'
value='$last_name'> </td>
<tr><td align='right'><B>{$label_array['phone']}:</B></td>
<td> <input type='text' name='phone' size='65' maxlength='65'
value='$phone'> </td>
<p><input type='submit' value='Submit name and phone number'>
echo "Welcome";

(The code, with modifications, was from PHP & MySQL For Dummies - By Janet

Can someone let me know if I am on the right track with these assumptions or
answer any questions?

1) I am assuming that because of the HTML tags, that this page is designed
to return on a plain HTML page (without any site design features). Can I
split up the code, and push it into the relevant areas so that the page
returns within my design template?

2) Concerning the initial array right after the <?php statement; this seems
to be crafted by the author of the code, am I right to assume that I would
have to change this "label_array" to represent the fields I have used on my

3) Is this the type of form, where if a user input an error (characters not
allowed by the ereg statement), will the program star "*" fields that are
incorrectly filled or leave the user guessing?

3a) How can the program be modified to star or otherwise indicate fields
that need to be changed?

4) Can anyone see any security issues in this form at present?

5) I actually have one field "Username" where I will need to query my
database, to ensure that the Username a user enters is not the same as one
already in the database. I have read a little on MySQL injection, am I right
in thinking that it is only where a form has to query a database, that a
MySQL Injection attack can occur, or can they also occur when data is
written to a database? Check out this article from PHP.NET:

OK that's all I can think to ask for now, so if anyone can help a struggling
newbie, blessings on you...




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