Posted by Michael Winter on 09/26/06 17:37
richard wrote:
> This also is the first time I've read where transparent is an
> attribute of background.
Value: [<'background-color'> || <'background-image'>
|| <'background-repeat'>
|| <'background-attachment'>
|| <'background-position'>] | inherit
Value: <color> | transparent | inherit
Initial: transparent
> Or at least is mandated as having that effect when not used.
Given a valid declaration, the 'background' property first
sets all the individual background properties to their initial
values, then assigns explicit values given in the declaration.
[All of the above are quotes from section 14.2.1 Background properties]
> Any attribute that is not used, has no effect.
When values are omitted from a shorthand form, each "missing"
property is assigned its initial value ....
-- 1.4.3 Shorthand properties
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