Posted by Krustov on 11/29/06 01:37
<Geoff Berrow>
<Wed, 29 Nov 2006 01:09:02 +0000>
> >> > $mailbody .="Full Name: " . "$krusty_01" . "\n\n";
> This, and the others should be the $homer variables.
Opps - guess i really should check stuff first :-)
$homer_** should be used instead of $krusty_**
$mailbody ="This email was sent via the website form" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="DATE: " . "$datesent" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="IP: " . "$ip" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Full Name: " . "$homer_01" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Email Address: " . "$homer_02" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Contact Number: " . "$homer_03" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Full Address (job location) : " . "$homer_04" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Interior {box): " . "$marge5" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Exterior {box): " . "$marge6" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Both {box): " . "$marge7" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Dont Know {box): " . "$marge8" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Interior Job: " . "$homer_09" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Exterior Job: " . "$homer_10" . "\n\n";
$mailbody .="Job Description: " . "$homer_11" . "\n\n";
Although still unchecked the above should work .
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