Posted by Bill on 01/05/07 16:08
Thanks rik thats what was wrong
$sqlcount = "SELECT name, text FROM mainpage where lingo = 'en'";
$resultRES = mysql_query ($sqlcount);
$resultcount = mysql_num_rows($resultRES);
echo $resultcount;
the above worked fine
Rik wrote:
> Bill wrote:
>> hi Hendri,
>> If I take the where clause out it works and returns all the records.
>> Tried numerious different combinations to try and put the where clause
>> in but still returns an error. Works ok using a sql statement in
>> mysql.
>> Any other way to count records using where clause.
>> Thanks again for you time
> I'd say it's this bit:
> "... = \'en\'"
> Only escape single quotes if they are in a single quoted string.
> You'd either use:
> "... = 'en'"
> Or:
> '... = \'en\''
> Grtz,
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