Posted by Erwin Moller on 01/09/07 15:44
David Gillen wrote:
> Erwin Moller said:
>> David Gillen wrote:
>>> Hi. I'm hoping someone here can help.
>>> I'm setting sessions, with work where cookies are accepted. I've enabled
>>> trans session id so they should work where cookies aren't. And it seems
>>> to be working for parts of the site. Unforunately on certain pages it
>>> isn't picking up the PHPSESSID from the GET variable. To make matters
>>> worse, I'm doing some URL rewriting to convert
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Oop, sorry, my bad.
>>> /123/prod.html&PHPSESSID=12345 to prod.php?id=123&PHPSESSID=12345
>> Are you sure you are not using mod_rewrite or something?
> I am using rewriting. I'm wondering though are $_GET variables not
> available to the rewrite engine?
They should be. They are a part of the url. Post-variables are not.
Get-variables are.
What excactly DOES the offending pages receive as url (after the rewrite)?
You can find such info in:
What do they contain?
AFAIK, PHP doesn't care nor know if apache did rewriting, so this is a
strange problem indeed.
Erwin Moller
>> If so, check the regxp, because I expect your rewrite engine is on.
> It is definitely on, which is what we want.
> D.
> --
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