Posted by Jeckyl on 01/24/07 13:18
> I blame your presentation and explanation,
I blame the person who couldn't even type in what was written in the code
examples :)
Not my fault if you add other stuff in or do it wrong etc. Perhaps you
need someone to hold your hand and look over your shoulder? And perhaps if
you had given your actual source code earlier on, I could have given you the
correction for it specifically. Instead I had to decompile your SWF to find
the code you used so I could see what was going on and then do a speed
comparison of the yours and my methods. And I provided full source script
for that test. But you were too busy trying to make yourself look better by
insulting me .. that doesn't work.
> Yeah by a WHOLE 2 seconds. You were claiming that it was going to be
> like 200% faster or some bullshit. And I'm bettin if I switch to
> using CASE statements instead of IF my method will either wind up
> being just as fast or maybe even faster than your method.
No .. case will be no faster than you previous code .. the same amount of
code is required to test the case as your previous if .. but at least it
will work (if done correctly) with red component zero (which failed with
your original code).
I never claimed your app would be that much faster .. it depends on how much
other stuffis going on. Only the coversion of teh getPixel value into r,g,b
valuse would be faster (about 5 times). that is easily demonstrated by the
code I posted.
> It's native, apart of Flash9. I'm currently using it on the animated
> bits of my sprite generator and it works awesomely. The problem is
> most of the Flash9 stuff hasn't really been out long enough for there
> to be a lot of examples and sample code forms.
Ok.. ta. I'll have to check it out further then.
> I put together this lil tutorial on use of the BitmapData class (which
> includes the getpixels function) for use in SwishMax:
> http://forums.swishzone.com/index.php?showtopic=42700
> It also outlines how to go about doing it in Adobe/Macromedia Flash.
> If I can get it to work, I won't even NEED any of that getpixel code
> redundancy shite.
That would be good .. and if it is natively implemented, then it should be
really fast. With some previous FP versions, some things that looked
'native', are actually just predefined script methods, and not native. But
in either case, at least you don't need to write it .. you can just use it.
Also, it will be interesting to see if FP9 lets you access the new methods.
Recent Flash Player versions hide functionality based on the SWF version
that is being played in them (so older SWF files cannot (directly) call new
methods that are available in the new player). Also, if it is a AS3
feature, it is possible it may not be available at all via SWiSH scripting
and previous Flash versions (as compiled AS3 is completely different to all
previous compiled script). So I'll read your results with interest.
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