Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 02/16/07 21:06
TaliesinSoft wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Feb 2007 10:00:49 -0600, Andy Dingley wrote (in article
> <1171641646.852864.100640@t69g2000cwt.googlegroups.com>):
> [responding to my giving a reference to a site produced with Freeway Pro that
> passed "strict" validation]
>> Nurse! New keyboards and the monitor wipes please! 8-)
>> This is beautiful in the Adams-like clarity of its demonstration of
>> cluelessness.
>> The last comment could be paraphrased as "Freeway looks like it over- uses
>> <table> markup when inappropriate, please show an example of better coding
>> style". So what do you do, you take an example that's a perfect situation
>> for legitimately using a <table>, then you do it with absolutely
>> positioned <div>s. Total perversity in appropriate markup.
>> If Jukka or Jonathan had done this, it would be funny. It might even be
>> convincing that Freeway could use non-table markup in _any_ situation. As
>> it is though, I have to suspect that it just shows a complete failure to
>> even understand what the issue is, let alone how to solve it.
> But the fact remains that the website, whether one likes it or not, displays
> in every browser tested, six of them, *exactly* as intended. If the results
> are as wanted, why should I be concerned about the underlying code structure
Ant this is what your page looks like on a medium monitor, hmmm not
that's attractive!
alt.html.20070216.jpg (JPEG Image, 700x609 pixels)
No this is a much better way and it will resize with your screen! Since
it is just a list of thumbs just took about 10 min to do. You can
restyle it to look completely different.
Better Way
Take care,
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