Posted by Jukka K. Korpela on 04/21/07 21:45
Scripsit Desmond:
> Is there an escape sequnce for the above.
The above _what_? It's bad style to refer to a heading inside text (in a
Usenet message as well as in HTML documents).
> w3c recects the statment I
> didn't do that
What are you talking about?
> the website below sugests didn ' t
> http://www.theukwebdesigncompany.com/articles/entity-escape-characters.php
So? There are many pages that describe the same things, without
advertisements and without the typos.
The Ascii apostrophe ' can be written as ' in HTML. If used, you must
not write spaces around it unless you want actual spaces to appear there.
Thus, writing
didn ' t
would result it
didn ' t
But you don't need ', because you can write the character ' as such. If
you have got an error message that seems to say something different, then
you probably have the apostrophe inside a string delimited by apostrophes,
and _then_ you need to do something, like changing the apostrophe delimiters
to Ascii quotes, ". As usual, a URL would have shown what you are really
talking about.
So you don't need ' either. For completeness, though: ' is an
entity reference that means ' and belongs to XHTML but not to HTML 4.01.
On the other hand, nowadays the web is reasonably safe for the use of
typographically correct characters, so you can write
or you can write a typographer's apostrophe directly if a) you know how to
do that and b) you are using an encoding that has a representation for it,
e.g. UTF-8 (or windows-1252, but then you need to wear a flame-proof suit).
Jukka K. Korpela ("Yucca")
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