Posted by Jon Slaughter on 04/22/07 01:57
"Jerry Stuckle" <jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote in message
> Jon Slaughter wrote:
>> "Gordon Burditt" <gordonb.8oiz7@burditt.org> wrote in message
>> news:132l8tv69kc6d6f@corp.supernews.com...
>>>> do I have to prefix every absolute path with document root to get it to
>>>> work?
>>> An absolute *FILE* path or absolute *URL* path? There are important
>>> differences.
>> No, only file paths... shit... I guess ;/ Didn't realize there was a
>> difference?
>> When someone uses my site: www.jonslaughter.com/somedir/somefile.php, can
>> everything after the domain name be considered a file path? (atleast if
>> it actually looks like a file path)
>> That is, on my site I will be using file paths to represent url paths.
>> Theres a one to one correspondence between the urls and files. (excluding
>> the additional domain name and protocol in the url)
>>> If you are attempting to use a URL path as an absolute file path,
>>> yes, you have to prefix it with document root.
>>> A file path might be used like this (on UNIX; try DIR on Windows):
>>> ls -l /usr/local/www/document_root/images/flag.jpg
>>> A URL path might be used like this:
>>> http://myhost.mydomain.com/images/flag.jpg
>> Ok, but what I am doing is only keeping the /images/flag.jpg
>> so maybe I'll have a file in document_root that opens the flag.jpg
>> if I do something like read('/images/flag.jpg') then it works because it
>> uses the relative dir scheme. But now if I wasn't in document root then
>> it wouldn't(assuming there is no /images/flag.jpg in that dir)
>>>> For some reason I thought that prefixing a path with '/' or './' with
>>>> make
>>>> it absolute w.r.t to document root but I guess not?
>>> If you mean something like:
>>> SRC="/images/flag.jpg"
>>> just prefixing it with / makes it an absolute URL. To get a *FILE*
>>> path,
>>> you need to prefix the document root.
>> ok. I guess thats it then. I thought then that you could use absolute
>> urls and the would be resolved w.r.t to the document root.
>>> If you prefix "./", you're making it relative (to *WHAT* depends on
>>> context - for include, see include_path).
>>>> e.g., when I do
>>>> include './Scripts/AddNav.php';
>>>> or
>>>> include '/Scripts/AddNav.php';
>>> include takes a *FILE* path.
>> ok.
>> So essentially what your saying is that there is no such thing as
>> absolute file paths? That is, all file paths are relative?
>>>> It only happens to work if that path is in the current directory but it
>>>> won't goto the root directory.
>>>> i.e., the above is doing the exact same as if I did
>>>> include 'Scripts/AddNav.php';
>>>> But in any case this doesn't work in general unless I use
>>>> include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/Scripts/AddNav.php';
>>>> ofcourse this seems like a mess to do every time I want to use an
>>>> absolute
>>>> path... which is a lot.
>>>> Is that what I'm stuck with doing or is there a function, say, like abp
>>>> that
>>>> will take a path and prefix the document root to it?
>>> If you've got an include file that you include at the front of every
>>> page, (PHP autoinclude?) you could include that one as above, and
>>> inside it, set $ScriptDir and then:
>>> include $ScriptDir.'/AddNav.php';
>>> which is a little shorter.
>> YEah, I thought about that. I haven't got the autoinclude stuff to work
>> but was just going to create a function like ap(somepath) that would
>> prefix somepath with the document root.
>> I just needed to understand the difference. I didn't realize that there
>> were url and file paths and that only urls had the absolute ability. I
>> think I got it now though.
>> Thanks,
>> Jon
> Jon,
> If it's being accessed using http protocol (i.e.
> http://www.example.com/myfile.php) it is a URI and relative to your
> document root.
> If it's being accessed from your php code, i.e. by include (_once),
> require (_once), fopen (to the local filesystem) it's relative to the root
> directory of your machine.
Ok, thanks. I didn't know there was a differentiation.
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