Posted by Rik on 04/25/07 16:27
Schraalhans Keukenmeester wrote:
> Geoff Berrow wrote:
>> Message-ID: <462dff9a$0$328$> from Schraalhans
>> Keukenmeester contained the following:
>> [snap]
>> Anyone know any good editors for a Mac? I'm considering kicking this
>> 'doze box out of the door.
> Save the environment, don't hesitate! Kick it! One bug-ridden winmachine
> less!
Allthough leaving M$ is not a bad thing, switching to Mac isn't really
that much of an upgrade.....
Rik Wasmus
Estimated date being able to walk again: 01-05-2007.
Less then a week, hurray!
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