Posted by JWS on 04/25/07 19:24
Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> Display one way and print another...[..]
> Display as sidenotes for folks viewing the page: But change
> style to simplify for printing:[..]
> Then margin not a issue and readability is maintained. I often
> have a different style for printing that removes floats, use
> serif fonts, removes navbars and other web access stuff like
> underlines for links that are meaningless on the printed page,
> etc.
My page, as it is, already uses a very different style for
printing than for displaying. I tried to get a "typographical"
effect in print (i.e. first-line indented paragraphs, no gaps
between paragraphs, side-notes in a smaller font, and of course
sidenotes printed in black; all of these different from the screen
style). Unfortunately some of these things (like "no gaps between
paragraphs") do not seem to work in IE, so I am looking for
But printing the notes belonging to a paragraph actually before
the paragraph itself -- that would be a very bad idea IMHO. What
would the poor reader think?
Anyway as I said in the previous message: I do not want advice
about style, but about technology. Even if my style is ugly, I'd
like to know how I can achieve this ugliness..
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