Posted by Bergamot on 04/25/07 19:48
JWS wrote:
> Bergamot wrote:
>> As Mr Little said, justified text in a narrow column is
>> pretty lousy for both looks and readability.
> That, as I said, is a matter of taste; I just happen to prefer
> justified text (as does 500 years of typographical tradition BTW).
You are ignoring 2 important points:
1. Browsers don't render the same as print, nor should you expect them
to. Different media and all that.
2. The bit about *narrow columns*. Justified text in a reasonably wide
column is usually less of a readability issue. In narrow columns it just
> But of course my question was not about "esthetics"
That doesn't mean we can't comment on it and offer suggestions that
might make the layout better. This is Usenet, after all. You are just as
free to ignore our posts as we are to make them.
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