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Re: ALT.HTML Statistics for 13/05/2007

Posted by John Hosking on 05/14/07 03:20

Toby Inkster wrote:

> Total number of posters: 75, average 6,978 bytes per poster

> =================== Top Posters by Number of Messages ====================
> Poster Msgs
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1: dorayme ...................................................... 38
> 2: Neredbojias .................................................. 25
> 3: Jonathan N. Little ........................................... 15
> 4: Ben C ........................................................ 11
> 5: Sherm Pendley ................................................ 11
> 6: El Kabong .................................................... 8
> 7: BootNic ...................................................... 8
> 8: Timmermans ................................................... 7
> 9: Adrienne Boswell ............................................. 7
> 10: J.O. Aho ..................................................... 6
> 11: Bergamot ..................................................... 6
> 12: Jukka K. Korpela ............................................. 5
> 13: 4
> 14: Travis Newbury ............................................... 4
> 15: JD ........................................................... 4
> 16: John Hosking ................................................. 3
> 17: Beauregard T. Shagnasty ...................................... 3
> 18: James A ...................................................... 3
> 19: Oliver Wong .................................................. 3
> 20: temujin ...................................................... 3
> ==========================================================================

> ================== Highest Percentage of Original Text ===================
> Poster Orig Body %age
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1: El Kabong .................................... 3 8 64
> 2: Jukka K. Korpela ............................. 1 4 62
> 3: J.O. Aho ..................................... 2 6 53
> 4: dorayme ...................................... 20 42 51
> 5: Timmermans ................................... 4 10 50
> 6: Sherm Pendley ................................ 2 7 48
> 7: Adrienne Boswell ............................. 3 7 39
> 8: Bergamot ..................................... 1 2 38
> 9: Jonathan N. Little ........................... 6 12 33
> 10: Neredbojias .................................. 14 23 33
> ==========================================================================
> =================== Lowest Percentage of Original Text ===================
> Poster Orig Body %age
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1: Ben C ........................................ 10 13 22
> 2: BootNic ...................................... 4 8 22
> 3: Jonathan N. Little ........................... 6 12 33
> 4: Neredbojias .................................. 14 23 33
> 5: Bergamot ..................................... 1 2 38
> 6: Adrienne Boswell ............................. 3 7 39
> 7: Sherm Pendley ................................ 2 7 48
> 8: Timmermans ................................... 4 10 50
> 9: dorayme ...................................... 20 42 51
> 10: J.O. Aho ..................................... 2 6 53
> ==========================================================================

The way "Highest Percentage" and "Lowest Percentage" intersect, one
might conclude there were only 12 different posters this week. But "Top
Posters" lists 20 of them, and the figures at the top of the report says
75. I'm all worn out from scratching my head. :-p

Are there some qualifying attributes required before posts (or posters)
are included in the "Original Text" percentage calculations?




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