Posted by Jeff Johns on 05/25/07 14:47
On May 24, 12:11 pm, damezumari <jannordgr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On page a.php I have a form. When it is submitted, the $_POST
> variables are validated on page b.php. If something is wrong, page
> a.php is shown again with the already filled in field values in place
> and an error message or two.
> How is this best done? That is, how do I put the already filled in
> field values into the form so the user does not have to fill it in
> again?
> Here is the way I do it. Please suggest better ways!
> At the top of a.php I have:
> // when called for the first time, or after a successful update, fill
> fields with the session variables
> if (isset($_SESSION['error'])) // unsuccessful update, so keep the
> changes that was made
> {
> unset($_SESSION['error']);
> }
> else
> {
> $_SESSION['parameters']['userfirstname'] =
> $_SESSION['userfirstname'];
> }
> In a.php I have something like this for each text field: (check boxes
> and dropdown boxes are a bit different, but that is not essential for
> this discussion)
> <input type="text" name="userfirstname" value="<?=
> $_SESSION['parameters']['userfirstname'];?>" />
> At the top of b.php I have:
> $_SESSION['parameters'] = $_POST;
> If the validation in b.php goes sour:
> $_SESSION['error'] = 'empty fields';
> $_SESSION['message'] = '<b>Error: Some fields were missing! Please
> rectify.</b>';
> header('Location: ol_myprofile.php');
> die();
> Regards,
> Jan Nordgreen
You could do this on b.php:
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
$_SESSION[$k] = $v;
on a.php
<input type="text" name="test" id="test" value="$_SESSION['test']" />
Just make sure to clear your session variables accordingly.
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