Posted by Schraalhans Keukenmeester on 06/10/07 14:35
At Sat, 09 Jun 2007 18:04:46 +0000, Ben Sehara let h(is|er) monkeys type:
> Sorry, I didn't mention what I have done. I removed the include file and
> simple html worked fine. I replaced the include file with echo statement and
> it worked fine.
> Then, I replaced the echo statement with the include files, only the first
> and second one worked fine.
> I switched the first one with the third (not visible) one, again, the first
> two files worked fine. This first one was not visible before. Any first two
> include files worked fine even if you switch the files.
> I tried the different include file in three places. Again, the first two
> files worded fine.
> Now I combined those files into one include file. It is OK for now. But if I
> can find the resolution, I post it here.
> Thanks for your help.
> Ben
Just guessing here, could it be the case you are (re)defining functions or
classes in more than one include file? As suggested, set
error_reporting(ALL) in your script and display_errors to on (pref. in
Finally, Ben, please write your replies BELOW the message you are replying
to. Top-posting isn't considered good usenet practice.
Good luck,
Schraalhans Keukenmeester - schraalhans@the.Spamtrapexample.nl
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