Posted by ojorus on 06/26/07 07:47
I'm having a flash-file (swf) which is requesting info from a PHP-file every
ten seconds. The PHP-file connects to a mysql-database, make a short query,
and then close the connection, before it returns the info to the swf.
Like this:
$mysqli = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbuserpassword,
$default_dbname, $port); //open connection
$number = getNumber(); //the function makes a query, and return a number
mysqli_close($mysqli); // closing connection
echo "&number=$number"; // returns the number to yhe swf
The problem is that it seems like the mysqli-connection will not close from
time to time. I have a limitation of 1000 connections, which should be
enough really. But if I run the flash-file for hours (say 8 hours), the
limitation of 1000 OPEN connection is reached, even if I was hoping there
should only be ONE open connection at a time.
Any suggestions why this problem appear?
// ojorus
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