Posted by Neredbojias on 08/09/07 06:39
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:44:15
GMT Kevin Scholl scribed:
>>> Most top companies for whom I've worked and dealt with price out
>>> their designers and developers easily into triple figures; $120 or
>>> $125 per hour is not all that uncommon.
>> If you have a strict t & m (time-and-material/services) contract,
>> such a quote _may_ be accepted by some companies with airs, but down
>> at the nitty-gritty level, no enterprise in its right mind would pay
>> that open- endedly for a website. Perhaps a not-to-exceed clause
>> might get you such figures, but you asked what the normal _real_ rate
>> was, and I answered according to my knowledge.
> Fair enough answer, though I assure you that such figures aren't
> uncommon. I've seen the formal Statements of Work and estimate sheets,
> and those figures are quite real. Granted, we're talking complete Web
> solutions produced by teams, including e-commerce and such, not simple
> Web sites. But the design and front-end development aspects got those
> amounts.
> $60-$65 ... not much more than I get freelancing, and that IS for
> relatively simple sites and general graphic design.
Ah, but the "secret" is volume. You can do the math; I won't belabor the
point. And...you might, indeed, find more than a few companies willing
to pay what you suggest, at least initially, but as time goes on, they'll
wise up.
>>> Granted, those individuals may only see half of (if) that in their
>>> paychecks. Perhaps that's what you mean by "bottom line"...
>> "Bottom Line" doesn't have a precise definition and its details _can_
>> very from agreement to agreement, but it still is the real, effective
>> rate-of-income one can expect. Lots of people quote triple-figures,
>> but lots of people lie, too. Of all the maybe 2 dozen people I ever
>> talked to who visited Las Vegas and discussed their fortunes, only 1
>> actually lost money. Yeah, right.
> Heh heh!
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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