Posted by Neredbojias on 08/09/07 06:35
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 03:07:33
GMT dorayme scribed:
>> >> And in case you're confused,
>> >> dorayme is Australian.
>> >
>> > That is so relevant. You continue to act all brain damaged but
>> > refuse to send a sample of your brain for analysis.
>> Whaddya mean? He was asking a question about the American economy.
>> What would a remote Australian know about the American economy?
> I know better than to try to reason with you. He would not have
> been confused by my advice if he was not like you in crucial ways.
> Stop making ignorant comments about this country, preferably
> about anything for a while.
> Take a break while you organise that sample I have been asking
> you for.
Ignorant comments? Listen here, dearie, stop putting words in my mouth. I
think Australia is a great land and a great country, although it certainly
has a few odd denizens living within its borders. As for other things, you
should starting looking on the bright side for a change instead of dwelling
in the Stygian darkness of the swill pit of your attitude.
Half lies are worth twice as much as whole lies.
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