Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/23/07 13:02
FFMG wrote:
> Hi,
> My Hosting company is saying that I am using too much memory on the VPS
> and that I should upgrade.
> I am currently running at 65%-75%, (according to WHM).
> It does seem a bit high, but I cannot see what could be using a lot of
> memory. I have MySQL 5 and and php 4.4.
> Is there any PHP code that I could use to 'check' how much memory a
> script is using to run so that I could flag the problem ones?
> How would you identify what process is taking large amount of memory?
Are you talking about real memory or virtual memory? How much of each
do you have? And is it PHP and/or MySQL using the memory or something
else? Is this average or peak?
What are you doing in your scripts which might be memory intensive? I.e.
are you using large arrays? Graphic manipulation? Reading large files
into memory? Something else?
I regularly run 75%+ of real memory on my VPS's and they runs fine. But
I also have the systems tuned to run that way.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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