Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 08/23/07 13:06
Piotr Nowak wrote:
> Hi,
> Say i have a server process which listens for some changes in database.
> When a change occurs i want to refresh my page in browser by notyfinig it.
> I do not want to refresh my page i.e. every 5 seconds, i just want to
> refresh it ONLY on server change just like desktop applications do.
> The problem is that refreshing evry n seconds has to much impact on my
> web server. The refresh action should be taken only when something
> really happens that makes sense
> Is it possible ?
> greets, peter
Despite some other comments, no, it's not really possible with HTTP
protocol. HTTP is a "request/response" protocol - the browser sends a
request and the server responds. There really isn't a mechanism for
sending unsolicited responses.
As others have mentioned, it is possible to to with other means, i.e.
Java or Flash. But not in PHP.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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