Posted by Eddie on 08/31/07 13:58
I am having difficulty in setting variables in a session, and then
accessing those variables throughout the web pages that they click
on. After having them set a user name and password, successfully
authenticating against Active Directory, I send them from the
login.php page to the index.php page. But when I get to the index.php
page, the session ID is visible, but the session variables and values
are not. Can you help me out? Also, I'm curious how to distinguish
between various sessions if multiple ones are available. My files are
below. Thanks.
-- excerpt of login.php page
$user= $_POST[u];
$pass= $_POST[p];
if (isset($_SESSION[user]) and ($_SESSION[user]==$user)){
$_SESSION[auth] = admin_all;
$_SESSION[user] = $user;
$_SESSION[timelast] = time();
$_SESSION[email] = 'testemail@testdomain.com';
header('Location: http://mydomain.com/index.php');
but when I go to the on to the index.php page, I cannot see the
results. What am I missing?
-- excerpt of index.php page
$sessname = session_name();
$sessid = session_id();
print "<pre>\nContents of \$_COOKIE:\n";
foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v) {
print " $k = $v\n";
print "\nContents of \$_SESSION:\n";
foreach ($_SESSION as $k => $v) {
print " $k = $v\n";
print "</pre><br>";
print "sessionuser = " . $_SESSION[user] . " <br>";
print "sessiontimelast = " . $_SESSION[timelast] . " <br>";
-- output of index.php page
Contents of $_COOKIE:
PHPSESSID = e12d796fc6e373569202c58d8f096815
Contents of $_SESSION:
user =
timelast =
Session name = PHPSESSID
Session id = e12d796fc6e373569202c58d8f096815
-- excerpt of php.ini file
session.use_cookies = 1
session.name = PHPSESSID
session.auto_start = 0
session.cookie_lifetime = 0
session.serialize_handler = php
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