Posted by Shelly on 08/31/07 14:13
"salmobytes" <Sandy.Pittendrigh@gmail.com> wrote in message
> On Aug 30, 7:54 pm, Jerry Stuckle <jstuck...@attglobal.net> wrote:
>> annoying irrelevant off topic right wing extremist propaganda having
>> nothing to
>> do with php programming
> I wouldn't expect anyone in a PHP group to necessarily know anything
> about libertarian ideology. Why don't you try one of their
> newsgroups?
Libertarian is something between the two. It combines the human rights
aspect of Democrats amd the fiscal policy of Republicans. In a nutshell, it
calls for an absolute minimum of government and then only when really
necessary (armed forces, roads, courts, etc.). It calls for individual
liberties -- something that Bush and company with the un-patriot act seems
to want to do away with.
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