Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 07/21/05 07:12
Evert | Collab wrote:
> Spartanicus wrote:
>> Evert | Collab <evertN0SP4N@collab.nl> wrote:
>> We've been discussing your violation of w3c's guidelines for serving
>> XHTML 1.1. Not what you wanted to discuss? Welcome to usenet.
>>> This is starting to look like a troll, I probably shouldn't respond
>>> to this anymore..
>>> I will try it on some other newsgroups
>> Running away won't fix your violation of the guidelines.
> Allright,
> Please explain it to me and pretend I'm stupid. What should I do to fix
> my problem?
> Evert
Ok, let's calm down here. What Spartanicus is trying to tell you is that
your are specifying your document as XHTML1.1, the problem is to be
valid XHTML1.1 the content type the server should send the document is
Now the problem here is IE does not support 'application/xhtml+xml' only
'text/html'. The fact that your see anything at all IE means the
document is being served as 'text/html' which means it is *not valid*
'XHTML1.1' but 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional'. Now this is not exactly the
problem you were asking about, but is a fundamental problem with your
situation, and DOCTYPE does effect the render mode of the browser. If
you have an invalid DOCTYPE the render mode of the browser will be
unpredictable. Fix your basic error first then we can address the
subsequent problems.
Take care,
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