Posted by Adrienne on 07/21/05 07:28
Gazing into my crystal ball I observed "Ben Bullock" <usenet@sljfaq.org>
writing in news:dbn5at$2kh$1@caraway.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp:
> On an anchor, I can write
><a lang=jp href="http://http://aor.ktplan.jp/">Site name</a>
> but I'm wondering how much I can do with the "lang=jp" tag. I can make
> the link colours come out as different, but unless the user knows what
> meaning I've attached to the colours that won't help.
> In this case, "jp" means "Japanese", so is there a way to use the
> "lang=jp" tag to, for example, make an image of a Japanese flag or text
> explaining that the link is in Japanese come up?
> Or, if not, what is the "lang=jp" tag for?
Adrienne Boswell
Please respond to the group so others can share
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