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Re: mcrypt_encrypt giving different results for same input?

Posted by Mtr on 10/02/07 15:06

On Tue, 02 Oct 2007 16:56:36 +0200, "Rik Wasmus"
<> wrote:

>It is quite arrogant to insist to know better then a usenet practise that
>has evolved en been followed for years and years.

and once upon a time, people rode horses. Saying "it was always done that
way" is not a valid argument. Once upon a time, people were told to lurk
for days or weeks to get aquainted before making a first post. Or people
were routinely told to RTFM.

>Contrary to online
>forums, usenet is not on a single server, but thousands of them. Wether or
>not other people seeing your reply to a group can see the original message
>you are replying to is not something you can rely on.

which is irrelevant as to whether top or bottom posting should be used.
Once again, you are merely claiming that things should be *your* way.



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