Posted by Michael Fesser on 10/02/07 15:07
>On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:58:36 +0200, Michael Fesser <netizen@gmx.de> wrote:
>>>On Mon, 01 Oct 2007 15:41:35 +0200, Willem Bogaerts
>>><w.bogaerts@kratz.maardanzonderditstuk.nl> wrote:
>>>Yes, thanks, but more precisely: the "->" is not an operator
>>It is an operator, like "::".
>oh really? then perhaps you can tell us what "operation" is being performed
The object is dereferenced. From the manual:
| An operator is something that you feed with one or more values (or
| expressions, in programming jargon) which yields another value (so
| that the construction itself becomes an expression).
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