Posted by Steve on 10/09/07 03:36
"Onideus Mad Hatter" <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote in message
> On Mon, 8 Oct 2007 15:23:24 -0500, "Steve" <no.one@example.com> wrote:
>>> Uh, excuse me, retard, but the only "bad" thing you morons were able
>>> to say about the design (it leaves extra space), was soundly ripped
>>> apart.
>>really? where? how?
> Sorry, but I don't repeat mysel<COCK SLAP>
then post the referring message id. as it is, there is no such proof any
this thread.
try again, pumk'n
>>> I mean in either design form (unless you're taking about a perfect
>>> liquid form...
>><read, OMH made up jargon that only means something to OMH>
yeah...bloat code that produces very little and is only applicable to
certain os' running on specific chipsets.
so, 'perfect liquid' (so i get your jargon correct) from
back-oriface-productions (aka shit) is actually diarhea? that would be
consistent anyway.
> LOL, at this rate yer face is gonna wind up so red you'll be able to
> start claiming Native American ancestry.
your pedestrian quips, though lackluster, are laughable only in their
missing wit and humor.
>>> and you're not, because I'm the only one who has sites
>>> like that),
>><which explains why, it only applies to OMH>
> Oh other people have done it...in Flash. I'm the only one whose ever
> achieved it using CSS/javascript/PHP.
he he he. so, others likewise produce gray screens after a large load-time.
and yeah, if that's what you're going for, you may as well do it all in html
as the others aren't needed for that.
>>apparently, based on your client *demand*...no one WANTS 'perfect liquid'
> Most people don't know what it is and don't have the capacity to think
> outside of their own resolution, that doesn't mean it's not important
> though.
that would be understanding your target market. you aren't curing cancer or
solving life's mysteries...importance to you is not needed for them. so, you
remain clientless.
further, you'd be one who can't seem to 'think outside of their [your] own
resolution' since you think you have a flexible, portable solution all
wrapped up in flash, when it is more than sufficiently doable in php and
other technologies that actually *are* flexible and portable. forget the
fact that you go waaaaay out of your way to produce (or try to) a tool that
no one will use. as it has been pointed out, a graphics package in most
cases is the tool for the job - and that's 'all things being equal' (which
it isn't since you lack understanding in graphics and forget to incorporate
essentials as part of the output).
> Eventually, all sites will be perfect liquid, especially as
> Flash becomes more and more set in stone as the defacto user front end
> development platform.
which will never happen...aside from the fact that 'perfect liquid' is
something you made up and provides NO benefit to functional use of a
website. flash is a tool. you are trying to make it a be-all-end-all. it
will never be more than a tool. i'm sure something will come along to
outseat html (and it's flavors), however i'm sure it won't resemble flash.
it will be lightweight and portable.
> It's basically one of those things that you do
> that clients don't need to know about.
if you wonder why you have no clients, just refer to what you've just
said...then re-evaluate how you do 'business'. thank you very much.
> It's like if yer buyin a new
> house, you don't necesarily sit there askin about what brand/type of
> insulation they used, you just assume that going with someone
> reputable means that they won't use the cheapest fuckin shit
> available.
holy hell! you live in a fucking apartment dude! when you spend > $2K or
your hard earned cash, you find out what the reputation is of your builder,
to whom they subcontract...and yes, you find out what the fuck kind of
insulation is being used AND how it's applied - among a great many MORE
detailed things you have yet to even assimilate to ask. you assume that
'reputable' is akin to what is important to *you* in a house...let me assure
you, that is NOT the case.
(but i guess if you stuck to speaking about what you knew, we'd just be
hearing crickets about now).
> With websites it's a little easier since one can see live,
> working examples of the sites you've got. In your case that would be
> NONE, so obviously you would not be the person to trust to make a web
> site.
well, you may happily go to several fortune 50 companies and see my work.
catapillar, audi, bmw, toyota, porche, forbes, i can go on...i've been at
this game a long time, noobie.
> And your lil boyfriend Brendan wouldn't be a good choice either
> since all his sites look like some piece of shit presoviet web design.
i suppose the presence of care bears on his site with an add for diapers
would have gotten him a muuuuch higher OMH rating...LOL.
>>> in either<COCK SLAP>
>> Hey, retard, in case it skipped you (of course it did, why am I
>>> asking), I already proved that the concept could be achieved in Flash
>>> with LESS size, GREATER cross compatibility (mine will even work on IE
>>> 5 on teh Mac) and with the added benefits of custom, embedded fonts
>>> and proper font anti-aliasing:
>>> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_test_platform/URAMORON.swf
>>> ...yeah, you get to look stupid now. Have fun with that! ^_^
>>'proved the concept'...no, you MENTIONED the concept. proof is vastly
> I didn't mention it you fuckwit, I linked right to a working model:
> http://www.backwater-productions.net/_test_platform/URAMORON.swf
sorry, by 'working' do you mean the gray area i'm seeing in thunderbird...or
the X is see in IE on my pc that doesn't have flash...or in IE when
javascript is diabled?
to me, i take that as a link 'right to a <snip incorrect adjective'>
[concept]'...and one wholly lacking a resemblance of 'proof'.
> It's done in Flash 6, so anything that works with Flash 6 (which is
> essentially everything but Lynx) will work with it. And no, you can't
> use Lynx as your backpedal since Brendan's ripped off CSS code won't
> render in Lynx (nor will render in IE 5 on the Mac and various others
> that will work with Flash 6).
that was not his point. you being functionally illiterate, let me 'splain'
to you...he meant that flash doesn't work on everything. there are a miriad
of other scenarios that exclude flash from being a solution. and with lynx,
which does understand and interpret html, it at least has data to work with
when displaying output. it has NO access to display flash content. it's just
that how html is displayed in lynx is unimportant. it's that something CAN
be display which is key.
is that another OMH attempt to bitch slap? you swing like a girl and often
never come close to hitting the mark.
> You lose, Fuckface, now bitch about it...and do a REAL shit job of it
> too. `, )
you have such a neat perspective on things...must be the view from your ass.
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