Posted by Brendan Gillatt on 10/10/07 21:52
Hash: SHA1
Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007 16:23:22 +0100, Brendan Gillatt
> <brendanREMOVETHIS@brendanREMOVETHISgillatt.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Onideus Mad Hatter wrote:
>>> On Tue, 9 Oct 2007 15:02:05 -0700, "G" <.@.> wrote:
>>>> Oh.
>>>> Have you done one?
>>>> I'm talking using HTML standards from this day and age.
>>>> Not the 3.2 pussy shit you make with some gawdawful editor.
>>> You really don't have any fuckin cl00 as to what you're even babbling
>>> about, do you?
>> Sure he does. He's read your page source and found that you use HTML 3.2.
> And if you and him weren't retards you would have already seen the
> whole great big long explanation as to WHY using that particular DTD
> is necessary in order to achieve the maximum, ACTUALLY TESTED cross
> compatibility with the "portal view".
You haven't yet explained why.
You haven't tested it other than on windows and probably some
pre-packaged distro like Ubuntu.
"Portal views" achieve nothing than reducing the available screen real
> However, most of my newer Flash sites auto center
How damn good for you - it's not the hardest thing to achieve in the world.
> and thus no longer
> need that method. Such as my blog site:
> http://www.backwater-productions.net/hatter-blog/
>> And yes, you do use a gawdawful editor - it converts tabs into spaces
>> without even telling you! Some great app that must be.
> It's called NOTEPAD, you stupid bitch. That's how REAL men code.
No that's how people that never did look for a decent editor code. I
happen to like TextPad. I like the indentation style, ability to open
multiple documents and the syntax highlighting. It makes my workflow less
> Only dribbling pussies in training panties like you have to use some
> failing WYSIWYG editor.
Look at my code. Does that look anything like what a WYSIWYG could craft?
> Honestly, why in the fuck would you be using
> tabs in your code?
Indenting lines for readability.
> Tabs space things apart too far to make the code
> reasonably efficient to read.
Only in notepad's idea of tabs ;]
> Code indenting should NEVER be more
> than two spaces wide.
Sure it can - I just set my tab spacing to my preference.
For PHP I use 4 spaces, HTML I use 8, and C I use only 1.
- --
Brendan Gillatt
brendan {at} brendangillatt {dot} co {dot} uk
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