Posted by John Hosking on 10/12/07 10:05
Norman wrote:
> On Oct 12, 10:30 am, dorayme wrote:
>> Norman wrote:
>>> But on IE the background image within the h1 tag is aligned to the
>>> right.
Your Resources and Jobs boxes are aligned oddly, too. They don't seem to
even appear in FF.
>>> How can I fix this.
>>> Here is the site http://uk.expert.travel
>> First fix up all the faults as shown in validator:
>> <http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fuk.exper
>> t.travel%2F%3Bview>
>> --
>> dorayme
Please don't quote signatures on Usenet.
> done
No, not done. There's still at least one error.
Replace <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> with <html>.
You also have 4 errors and 9 warnings when running your CSS through the
validator at <http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/> . One of the errors
involves #header h1.
What happens when you remove text-align:right; from #header in aruni.css?
What's the text-indent:-5000px; in style.css?
Man, that sure is a lot of styles. Especially for a page that has tables
for layout nested five deep
Man, your styles sure use a lot of bg images.
Wouldn't you be more efficient if your styles for #header, #header h1,
#header a, etc. were all together instead of in various .css files?
You're not serious about having semi-colons in your links, are you?
Man, that sure is a lot of JavaScript. Oh, and I see it starts with a
"BrowserDetect" function, so I'm done here, other than to recommend a
new beginning. Rewrite the code or have a professional do it for you.
Pondering the value of the UIP: http://improve-usenet.org/
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