Posted by Norman on 10/12/07 10:51
On Oct 12, 12:05 pm, John Hosking <J...@DELETE.Hosking.name.INVALID>
> Norman wrote:
> > On Oct 12, 10:30 am, dorayme wrote:
> >> Norman wrote:
> >>> But on IE the background image within the h1 tag is aligned to the
> >>> right.
> Your Resources and Jobs boxes are aligned oddly, too. They don't seem to
> even appear in FF.
> >>> How can I fix this.
> >>> Here is the sitehttp://uk.expert.travel
> >> First fix up all the faults as shown in validator:
> >> <http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fuk.exper
> >> t.travel%2F%3Bview>
> >> --
> >> dorayme
> Please don't quote signatures on Usenet.
> > done
> No, not done. There's still at least one error.
> Replace <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> with <html>.
> You also have 4 errors and 9 warnings when running your CSS through the
> validator at <http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/> . One of the errors
> involves #header h1.
> Otherwise:
> What happens when you remove text-align:right; from #header in aruni.css?
> What's the text-indent:-5000px; in style.css?
> Man, that sure is a lot of styles. Especially for a page that has tables
> for layout nested five deep
> Man, your styles sure use a lot of bg images.
> Wouldn't you be more efficient if your styles for #header, #header h1,
> #header a, etc. were all together instead of in various .css files?
> You're not serious about having semi-colons in your links, are you?
> Man, that sure is a lot of JavaScript. Oh, and I see it starts with a
> "BrowserDetect" function, so I'm done here, other than to recommend a
> new beginning. Rewrite the code or have a professional do it for you.
> --
> John
> Pondering the value of the UIP:http://improve-usenet.org/
thanks for the feedback. yes that was one of the problems and its now
the styles are all in different sections as the application has many-
back-offices and many front-offices, but i will look at how to load
only the css for a specific sub-site rather than carry the whole lot.
The browser detect is required for the i18n and the l10n of the site,
so that it can return the right language and localization - if you
know of a better way then do tell me.
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