Posted by Shelly on 10/16/07 00:12
I am coding a psudo-cron job into an application that I am writing. I don't
have access to write a real cron job.
Here is what I did:
1 - I downloaded pseudocron.php from its website
2 - I created a cronjob directory and put a crontab.txt in there and had the
pseudocron.php hook up with it by properly configuring the section in that
3 - I put an require_once("pseudocron.php") in my login screen so that when
the user logs in the script is run.
4 - The cronjob runs setRemind.php. All that does is set a session
variable, $_SESSION['remind'] to true.
5 - In my template file, which is on every page in the application, I test
on whether that variable is true or false. If it is false, I write <body>.
If it is true, I write <body onload="window.open("checkRemind.php")>
6 - The checkRemind.php accesses the database and sees if there are any
reminders to show the user. It also sets the session variable to false.
The crontab.txt has a line:
*/1 * * * Sun cronjobs/setRemind.php # repeat every one
OK, other than the timer firing things, all works well. Initially, it opens
the reminder screen in a separate window and does what it should. After
that, changing pages does not invoke the check reminder screen. This is as
it should be.
Now for the problem.
The "cron" job should cause a firing every minute (I will set this at
something between one and 24 hours later, but it is one minute now for
debugging purposes). The problem is that it is not firing or, at least
appears not to be firing.
How can I debug this? How can I determine if this pseudocron job is
working? IOW, how can I see if there is a timer job running?
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