Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 10/16/07 00:15
Shelly wrote:
> I am coding a psudo-cron job into an application that I am writing. I don't
> have access to write a real cron job.
> Here is what I did:
> 1 - I downloaded pseudocron.php from its website
> (www.bitfolge.de/pseudocron)
> 2 - I created a cronjob directory and put a crontab.txt in there and had the
> pseudocron.php hook up with it by properly configuring the section in that
> script.
> 3 - I put an require_once("pseudocron.php") in my login screen so that when
> the user logs in the script is run.
> 4 - The cronjob runs setRemind.php. All that does is set a session
> variable, $_SESSION['remind'] to true.
> 5 - In my template file, which is on every page in the application, I test
> on whether that variable is true or false. If it is false, I write <body>.
> If it is true, I write <body onload="window.open("checkRemind.php")>
> 6 - The checkRemind.php accesses the database and sees if there are any
> reminders to show the user. It also sets the session variable to false.
> The crontab.txt has a line:
> */1 * * * Sun cronjobs/setRemind.php # repeat every one
> minute
> OK, other than the timer firing things, all works well. Initially, it opens
> the reminder screen in a separate window and does what it should. After
> that, changing pages does not invoke the check reminder screen. This is as
> it should be.
> Now for the problem.
> The "cron" job should cause a firing every minute (I will set this at
> something between one and 24 hours later, but it is one minute now for
> debugging purposes). The problem is that it is not firing or, at least
> appears not to be firing.
> How can I debug this? How can I determine if this pseudocron job is
> working? IOW, how can I see if there is a timer job running?
> Shelly
I suggest you take this up with the people you got the pseudo-cron job
from. They know their script; we don't.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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