Posted by dorayme on 12/01/07 19:59
In article
"Beauregard T. Shagnasty" <a.nony.mous@example.invalid> wrote:
> dorayme wrote:
> > .. I have never ridden a BMW except very briefly a 900S in about 1976
> > and it was something to die for then...
> I understand. Was it SilverSmoke or Daytona Orange?
The former. The thing that stunned me was the smoothness and
sheer acceleration. Before that, my Triumph would be very much
quicker and nippier than the cruising BMWs I knew about, the
Trophy frame was a beautiful handler. But This 900S blew away all
my preconceptions. I was starting to get the message of a new era
when all the Jap bikes were coming into Australia (I sort of
regret never having one of those magnificent Honda 750s...)
> I had a 1974 R90S, serial number ..000058. <g>
> I still have a 1977 R100RS, number ..000040.
You are one lucky dog then. Perhaps I should not have seen
raising a family as a time to give bikes up. To think, I could
have died *gloriously* on a bend through the magnificent winding
roads through the forests down near Eden on the south coast of
NSW when a timber truck comes around from the opposite direction
leaving almost no room... <g>
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