Posted by Bone Ur on 12/01/07 20:00
Well bust mah britches and call me cheeky, on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 19:23:33
GMT Jonathan N. Little scribed:
>>> Agree. Why would you want to replicate this stupid behavior of IE?
>> It ensures that the content area of the page doesn't change width
>> depending on the height of the content. This can be a undesired
>> effect in a situation where a visitor is moving between several pages
>> in quick succession (for example, when filling in a form split across
>> multiple pages).
And one has a consistent and, say, centered background on multiple pages.
>> I've only once worked on a site where the effect has
>> been annoying enough for me to apply the overflow:scroll rule, but I
>> don't regard the original poster's comment as an illegitimate
>> complaint.
> Ah, but Microsoft has decreed that only thy vertical scrollbar shall
> be ever present. It is okay for the horizontal one to pop in and out
> as needed and intrude on vertical viewport space! I just find that
> funny.
Microsoft _is_ funny (-in a peculiar way.)
Not valid, but overflow-y:scroll; works last time I checked.
Bone Ur
Cavemen have formidable pheromones.
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